Holiday Meditation for Ease and Light

Ask the Experts | Cass Ghiorse

Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit and take a few moments to center yourself.

Begin by taking a gentle breath in through your nose, feeling your belly, ribs and chest expand. Follow that by exhaling slowly and completely. It is on the out breath that the body is truly able to release tension.

As you continue to breathe slowly and rhythmically, allow yourself to let go of any thoughts or worries about the holiday season. This is your time to find an inner connection with the essence of this time of year.

Take a moment to set an intention for this holiday season. It could be to be more present with your loved ones, to offer a helping hand to someone in need, or to simply embrace the spirit of joy and compassion.

After you have set an intention, bring your focus back to your breath. With each inhale, breathe in peace and serenity. With each exhale, release any remaining tension or worry. Feel a sense of tranquility washing over you, like a gentle stream of water flowing through your body.

In this moment, remember that the holiday season is not just about the external decorations or gifts but also about the inner light within you. You have the power to spread love, kindness, and warmth to those around you, and this is your greatest gift.

Now, as we bring this meditation to a close, take one more deep breath in, filling your heart with love and your mind with peace. Exhale slowly, releasing that love and peace into your environment.

When you’re ready, gently open your eyes, carrying with you the warmth and serenity of this holiday season meditation. Remember that the holiday season is a time for reflection, gratitude, and sharing love with those around you. May you find peace and joy in each moment during this special time of year.

Cass Ghiorse is an integrative health coach and the founder of MIDLINE. She has been on staff at NIKE, Eileen Fisher, and Google among others. She lives in Michigan with her husband and two children. Learn more at and on Instagram @cassghiors.