Benefits of Making Cemetery Arrangements in Advance

Ask the Experts | George Horattas

Q: I’ve heard of people making all the arrangements for when they die. Are there specific reasons why I should preplan my cemetery property?

A: Making final arrangements is far more difficult when a loved one has passed than if you plan for it now. By preplanning you will be relieving loved ones from making a sudden and emotional decision.

There are 50 decisions that must be made that must be made in literally 24 hours to prepare for final arrangements and a funeral. For an individual or a couple, being able to make those decisions with a clear mind is vitally important and a blessing for loved ones. Most people who do wait until the time of need will spend a significantly higher amount of money on an average because they are making emotional purchases.

Like anything, burial and cremation costs rise each year and double every 10 years. By preplanning you lock-in prices before they increase. Also, preplanning allows you to make payments, whereas if a death has occurred, all money is due upfront before a burial can occur. These decisions can be made by you now, so your family won’t have to guess what you really wanted. Making your final arrangements is the final act of love that you can give your family. They may not understand the full impact until the day you pass but they will be grateful for the gift that you left them.

I offer, at no obligation, the “Personal Planning Organizer,” which compiles all the necessary information for your family regarding your wishes for your final resting place as well as all the important personal and financial information that will be needed at the time of your passing.


George Horattas is the family service counselor at Resurrection Cemetery. Resurrection Cemetary is a nonprofit cemetery open to all Christian faiths. George can be reached at 586-226-3401 or at